Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Analysis of American Schools

The entire article is concerning the wrong path on which American schools appear to be currently. The authors say that although they are not very fond of invasion of computers in schools, technology has to be used in the educational process. They argue not the mere existence of computers but the way they are frequently used. The main point of the article is the importance of computers as the tools in providing excellent education, not driving students’ attention away from the core significance of learning. The authors also believe that internet is a sufficient instrument for students and teachers in helping structure educational process and provide a unique feeling of being connected to the rest of the world. The primary subject matter of the paper lies in the belief that computers should direct students and teachers in the right path of education, making it easier, entertaining and at the same time more in-depth for both parties. The writers of the article claim that computers often have been causing lots of problems for students because of too many unnecessary disruptive things such as glamour and graphics instead of deep serious education. In spite of this disadvantage computers according to authors are the source of major power in educating course. The main issue brought by the authors is that technology should remain in the background and be of secondary importance, while the child and teacher are using it in practical matters. In other words technology should be like a clear window through which person gets a wider view at the outside world. Another point stressed in the article concerns internet connection, which would serve the teacher and students as planning tool, important for scheduling sources and other activities. In doing so both will have a clear idea of where they are and what path they should choose in order to best suit their current position. The importance of software is stressed in the article as the interactive tool for a more vivid and life educational process. The authors claim that each online school should have a so called "comprehensive log" through which everything a child has ever learned and each paper submitted can be looked up.
By Jeff Stats.

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